Recently the EyrePlus team has been working within our local communities to help participants enter training and increase their employment opportunities. This initiative has seen recent success with EyrePlus participants as part of the Community Development Program (CDP) Pathway Services.   

‘Trialling Pathways to Real Jobs’ is a new initiative run through the National Indigenous Australians Association (NIAA). EyrePlus aims to identify participants in CDP regions looking for work, and seek employers willing to take them on board for training. The goal of this initiative is to increase participants’ employability by preparing them to move into the workforce during or after their training. 

Still in its early stages, Trialling Pathways to Real Jobs has commenced a trial run with six CDP participants and local employers in the Ceduna and surrounding regions. The program gave participants access to a training program specific to land management and ranger work. Building on the necessary skills for seeking industry-relevant employment, this particular program offers those involved an exciting opportunity for participants to enrich their local environment, while also connecting to employers looking for new workers to take on. 

The training schedule began in April 2023, and will take place over several months. While they work in the program, participants are financially supported by earning a living wage throughout the program’s duration. Training begins with a First Aid course, and is then followed by a series of training over four months with TAFE SA. The coursework will cover soil knowledge, applying chemicals under supervision, recognising plants and irrigation, and landscaping techniques. With this knowledge, participants are on the right track to becoming qualified members of the land management industry. 

At the commencement of training, the six participants were connected to Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation (CAC), the leading Indigenous body advocating for First Nations peoples. Working to deliver quality social and economic development opportunities to Indigenous communities, CAC sourced employment for the six participants from the trial, and three additional participants outside of the trial. Now employed with Emu Farm in Ceduna, these nine participants are working in a land management team to receive on-the-job training, put their new skills to use, and protect the region’s natural landscape.

“The Land Management team are passionate about building the Emu Farm into a fully functional business, servicing the community year-round and providing opportunities for future generations. The team have been busy working to achieve their goals and have a strong team bond.”

– Emily, CDP Pathway Service Coordinator.

As a thank you for our contributions to this trial run of Trialling Pathways, EyrePlus was invited to attend a barbeque at Emu Farm. This event recognised the efforts of all nine participants and the EyrePlus team that worked behind the scenes to see the initiative to success. 

Through Trialling Pathways’ successes, CAC have seen a lot of growing interest in their organisation amongst local communities. With positions through CAC rising in popularity, EyrePlus has now created a register for interested participants and community members to access new opportunities as they become available. 

Trialling Pathways is set to expand into other key employment industries such as mining and infrastructure, government land management, agriculture, and private projects for seeds, seedlings and re-vegetation services. Its early successes opens pathways to a number of other employment opportunities and labour markets within Ceduna and the surrounding regions.  

EyrePlus is excited to see Trialling Pathways to Real Jobs expand over the coming months, and we wish all our participants the very best for their employment opportunities in the land management industry.

About the Foundation Skills for Your Future Remote Community Pilot (RCP)

RCP is a program that delivers tailored and flexible foundation English Language, Literacy, Numeracy and Digital literacy (LLND) skills, assessment and training that meet your local community needs and helps improve reading, writing, maths and digital skills.

About the Community Development Program (CDP)

CDP is an Employment program for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in regional, rural and remote Australia to achieve sustainable employment outcomes by strengthening skills, addressing barriers and contributing to their communities through a range of flexible work-like activities.   

For more information, contact EyrePlus on 1800 960 012 or