EyrePlus recently sponsored a special training event in Ceduna designed to equip individuals to apply Mental Health First Aid to First Nations peoples. Hosted with National Wellbeing Alliance, this free-to-attend workshop had EyrePlus trainers Ron and Alison present to organise and support the event, and equipped ten participants with the tools to provide life-saving mental health support to people in their times of need.  

The Aboriginal Mental Health First Aid training took place on the 27th and 28th April at the Ceduna Foreshore Function Room. The content of this training was tailored to people working within First Nations and rural communities, delivering services and support to community members. It was developed in collaboration with Aboriginal Mental Health workers to improve the mental health and wellbeing of First Nations people in our local communities.  

Trainers Peter and Eunice came to the training as consultants with the National Wellbeing Alliance, who regularly deliver training in an informative and compassionate manner. Their roles were to guide participants through sensitive and confronting material with space, allowing attendees to contemplate and discuss the content they were learning.

Over a two-day schedule, Peter and Eunice gave attendees a safe space to learn the importance of providing quality Mental Health care. The group was given time to share and listen to each other’s experiences, motivations in joining the training, and how they wanted to apply the knowledge they were learning. This was accompanied by some time to get to know each other and form connections with their local community members.  

The training was delivered with presentations and stories that helped those listening to visualise the situations being described. A Mental Health First Aid Workbook was provided to support their learning, along with a Mental Health First Aid Manual that attendees could take home and keep on hand as their skills develop. 

“Peter and Eunice with the National Wellbeing Alliance delivered the training in a manner that was well put together, informative and compassionate.”

– Alison, RCP Trainer. 

The workshop was incredibly successful, providing an opportunity for attendees to develop their skills and take them back to their community to offer quality support to First Nations Individuals, and a certificate to recognise their achievements in completing the workshop. EyrePlus places high importance on the mental health needs of our Ceduna community, and we would like to thank everyone who contributed to the workshop’s success.