Employment opportunities created for essential services in Oak Valley
NEWSCDP Employment opportunities created for essential services in Oak Valley
Due to these unprecedented times of COVID-19 and the closure of access to various areas in which we operate, such as the Maralinga Tjarutja Oak Valley community, members of the community are unable to travel due to current restrictions, and the need for the provision of essential services has since increased.
Recently, five of our Community Development Program (CDP) participants gained employment to provide community assistance during the current crisis period. Through recent engagement with our CDP services across the Oak Valley community, our team identified that these participants were well suited for these essential tasks that are needed to keep the community safe and well.
Some of the support being provided through these employment opportunities includes roles in aged care, grading roads, airport maintenance including rolling the runway and an On Country Ranger.
Community members are also supporting each other and other
communities through this time, staying on country and being safe.
While CDP activities are currently suspended due to the current
COVID-19 obligation changes and restrictions, community members are all getting
involved in making sure the community functions safely and remains well.
About the Community Development Program (CDP)
EyrePlus is bringing local experience and knowledge to deliver the Community Development Program (CDP), a government initiative funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) which supports participants in regional, rural and remote Australia to build skills, address barriers and contribute to their communities through a range of flexible activities.