Since opening our doors in 2019, EyrePlus has placed a strong focus on the development of skills and creating opportunities that support employment in our community. From 2021-2024, EyrePlus advocated for and committed to this focus through the Foundation Skills for Your Future ‘Remote Community Pilot’. As we draw the curtains on this impactful program, we would like to reflect on the successes our team has been a part of.
The Remote Community Pilot provided skill development opportunities to EyrePlus participants, aiming to offer essential skills in remote communities. The training provided included English language, literacy, numeracy and digital literacy skills, and was specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of each participant involved in the program.
During the program’s duration, EyrePlus emphasised on creating a supportive, culturally appropriate environment to encourage and uplift people. Professional local mentors provided individualised learning and support to upskill participants, helping them to understand workplace expectations and gain accredited training in Workplace Health and Safety Knowledge.
Here are some highlights from the the Remote Community Pilot:
In 2021, EyrePlus began a partnership with On the Right Track, a service which helped First Nations people in remote communities to access support in learning to drive. This partnership addressed personal barriers to employment such as transportation. In the first wave, six participants successfully obtained their Learner Permits, and progress has continued since then.
Kenneth is a proud Senior Traditional man in Yalata who worked with EyrePlus to improve his reading and writing skills, so he could enter his first paid employment, enabling him to provide for his community and connect further with its members.
In 2022, six EyrePlus participants completed training for the Work Experience Program 2022, a partnership between Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation (FWCAC), ILUKA, EyrePlus and TAFE SA. These participants walked away from their graduation with multiple certificates and are now on a fast track to a career in the mining industry.
Yalata community member Cameron worked with the EyrePlus team to gain his learner drivers licence through On the Right Track, a service which helped First Nations people in remote communities access support in learning to drive. Gaining his learner’s licence opened the door for Cameron’s ability in connecting with his community and taking up opportunities.
In 2024, EyrePlus, Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation (CAC), and the District Council of Ceduna gave the weathered street names and house numbers decorating the gutters of Ceduna and Thevenard an incredible rejuvenation. This has significantly enhanced navigation and safety for residents, visitors, and crucially, emergency services personnel.
EyrePlus would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Foundation Skills for Your Future ‘Remote Community Pilot’ during its operation. We are grateful for your support in connecting the members of our community to vital skills training, and to their futures.
EyrePlus will continue to grow our community and support our participants through our continued service of the Community Development Program.