Matthew thrives and lands pearler of a job on our waters
NEWSCDP Matthew thrives and lands pearler of a job on our waters
When Matthew first walked through our doors at EyrePlus, he already had a clear idea of his employment pathway.
During his first appointment, it was evident that his primary goal was a career on the water in Aquaculture at an Oyster lease. With the Eyre Peninsula being home to some of Australia’s most flawless waters and well known for its top-quality oysters, it’s clear why this industry grabbed Matthew’s attention.
As a participant for our services of the Community Development Program (CDP) our team put the pieces in place for him to realise his career goal, with an immediate aim to gain his forklift license so that he could become more competitive when applying for positions. Our team are experts in the local jobs market and understand Ceduna’s unique labour needs.
EyrePlus CDP Office Manager, Nikki had contact from an Oyster farm in Smoky Bay, seeking an employee through the assistance and support of our Recruitment Services for local employers.
EyrePlus team thought this was a prime opportunity for Matthew to gain employment in this industry. Matthew agreed to be reverse marketed by EyrePlus to this position.
Matthew’s enthusiasm paid off as he landed the job at Mooka Oysters shortly after being referred which is a locally owned and family operated business.
We recently dropped in to visit Matthew and the team at Mooka Oysters as part of our services for Post Placement Support. According to Matthew’s employer, Bill, they wouldn’t have been able to operate without Matthew and he is normally the first person to work.
As a part of our Post Placement Support services, the EyrePlus team have maintained regular contact with Matthew and his Employer.
We were able to get Matthew a pair of waders an important PPE to keep him dry on the water and able to inform the employer of training Matthew has completed which is required for the role.
CDP is an Employment program for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians in regional, rural and remote Australia to achieve sustainable employment outcomes by strengthening skills, addressing barriers and contributing to their communities through a range of flexible work-like activities.