EyrePlus and community team up to transform the Streaky Bay Scout Hall
NEWSMedia EyrePlus and community team up to transform the Streaky Bay Scout Hall
The local community of Streaky Bay is known for its stunning coastal scenery and community spirit, with the Streaky Bay Scouts Hall sitting in the centre of both.
Streaky Bay Scouts Hall, originally home to the Sailing club, is a local hall perfectly positioned overlooking Slideys Beach. The Streaky Bay Scouts Group, run entirely by volunteers, caters to children ages 6 – 15, providing Scouting programs of Joeys, Cubs and Scouts, as well as providing a safe environment for fun outdoor activities, beach walks and orienteering, hall sleepovers and a camping opportunities.
Photo: Before (left) and after (right) of the Streaky Bay Scouts Hall
EyrePlus connected with Streaky Bay Scouts Group in 2021 after learning of the Scout Group’s struggle to continue fundraising due to COVID restrictions. EyrePlus contributed to the Scout Hall’s main upgrade, a long wished for maintenance project with the aim to prevent further water damage and allow more natural light in with new open windows and sliding doors.
“Our Scout Committee has always been very focused on maintaining and improving our fantastic hall facilities, we truely appreciate our hall and it’s fantastic location and look forward to many more fun Scouting years to come,” said Leah Bubner, Secretary at Streaky Bay Scouts Group.”
“For EyrePlus to come on board at these COVID times was a much-appreciated lifeline.
“We are extremely grateful for their support and generous donation.”
Photo (left to right): Streaky Bay Scouts Group President – Shannon Bubner, EyrePlus Quality Assurance Manager – Susan Rainbow, Streaky Bay Scouts Group Leader, Bec Rutherford
When construction started in December 2021, months of hard work have been dedicated to the upgrades. With EyrePlus and Streaky Bay Scouts working on this project together, along with much needed help from local volunteers, local businesses and tradies, the Hall has seen community spirit at its finest.
Improvements were recently completed end of January 2022, with the benefits of this upgrade being immense for the Scouts Group as they begin their 2022 Joey and Cub programs mid-February. What started as a boat shed and became the Scouts Hall has grown to continue the important work this Scout Group supports as a significant local community youth hub for the Streaky Bay area.
Plans for the near future of the Hall include possibly opening up the space for community hire whilst always maintaining a long-term future for young people and families to connect with Scouting.
“It’s a big start to further works to make the building safer and usable, and it’s going to allow that space to be used a lot more by the wider community,” said Susan Rainbow, Quality Assurance Manager at EyrePlus.
EyrePlus would like to thank everyone that contributed to the Streaky Bay Scouts Hall upgrade, and we wish the Scouts Group every success in the future.
About the Streaky Bay Scout Group
The SBSG is tailored towards helping the young people and children in the Streaky Bay community to build valuable life skills and make genuine connections with peers.